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The Cross Keys Llanfyllin CIC – Part of the Skylark International Network - a place for growth, support and celebration!

The Cross Keys from the beginning, seems to be a place that has carried a commitment to growth, support and celebration in it’s DNA. Like the Skylark, who is one of the first birds to break the dawn The Cross Keys has been innovative in order to catch the opportunity to grow and thrive in its environment. The Cross Keys is a place of support and hospitality, and as the Skylark is said to connect heaven and earth by living on the ground yet soaring into heaven so does The Cross Keys symbol – reminding people to access heavenly support to help make the earth a better place. The Cross Keys is also a place of celebration like the Skylark which just has to sing its’ song.

None of us were there when someone took the opportunity to invest in the building of a hall house during the 16th century in the small developing town of Llanfyllin and chose to do so on the increasingly busy Bala to Shrewsbury Road.

None of us were there when an enterprising person seized the opportunity to capitalize on the hall house’s central position in one of the principal market towns of Montgomeryshire according to John Speed in 1650, and change it to a public house.

None of us were there when in the 18th century when someone wanted to improve the space in The Cross Keys so added a new three gabled front and add the upstairs rooms to make living quarters. Some of us were here when Alan Shakeshaft added an extension to the back of The Cross keys and added new toilets and built the new flats at the back of The Cross Keys.

Most of us were here when The Community Church was contacted in 2012 to see if we could save the now-closed pub and ensure it remained a community hub for the town and all of us have seen the subsequent emergence of the new The Cross Keys Llanfyllin CIC – Community Hub, Ty Coffi, Ty Gweddi, Ty Bendithion.  The Cross Keys has been owned it seems over the centuries by ‘skylarks’ – people who are part of the dawn chorus and are natural innovators so ensuring The Cross Keys is here today!

Hospitality and support from the outset

From the very outset The Cross Keys had at its very heart the gift of hospitality and support symbolized by a coal fire around which everyone was welcome to work, rest and play. A hall house would traditionally have been the place where the Lord of the manor lived with his servants - rich and poor mingling together around the fire for warmth and food. The fire still glows in The Cross Keys today and is a continued symbol of support and friendship that has stretched back throughout the centuries. Alan Shakeshaft himself was the embodiment of this and was always happy to share his money with people he felt needed an encouragement or asked for help. God also has had His part in the story of the Cross Keys and has shown He too wants to be part of the support network in the Llanfyllin community. He has always been around and maybe it was he who inspired the person to build the hall house where he did; He who nudged the person who chose The Cross Keys as the name of their new public house because he could see how He was going to miraculously intervene in 2014 to ensure The Cross Keys still provided support in Llanfyllin; He who somehow ensured Alan built the flats knowing how much people would need homes in the current climate! Maybe it was even He who woke the Cain Valley Hotel landlord up suddenly in the middle of the night so he would notice the flames coming from the Cross Keys and get help! Regardless, He is always inviting us to be like the Skylark and reach up to heaven in prayer so that His help and blessings can be poured out on earth increasingly.

Skylarks are considered to be one of the best bird songsters in the world and celebration parties, singing and dancing have always been part of The Cross Keys culture. At one point as we all know Alan planned to build a night club behind The Cross Keys! Now the Community hub enjoys plenty of opportunity to celebrate with Jazz nights, open Mic and being a venue for people to hire and host private parties. The Cross Keys Directors and Ty Gweddi feel they also have a particular reason to sing songs of worship to God as the miraculous way God provided for Darren and Shan to buy The Cross Keys reveals His power, His love, His faithfulness despite the trials we go through and amazing attention to detail at every level.

How The Cross Keys came to open in 2014

On August 3rd – 10th 2014 Darren and Shan were at a crossroads in their lives and had an opportunity to buy The Cross Keys. Before making the decision to go ahead they went on a Christian retreat to ask God to show them what to do. They had to let the owners know by August 11th if they wanted it.

Questions they had to ask God

Were they to work together as ministers?         Yes                                                                                                  

The retreat was in the boarding school which 25 years was hosting the summer Cardiff Christian Camps and whilst Darren and Shan were working together there someone felt prompted by God to pray they would marry and serve God together when they saw them working together. Over the years it had become a Christian Centre Ellel Ministeries Pierrepoint Farnham.

Were they to continue serving God in Llanfyllin?  Yes

Hanging in Ellel Ministry Pierrepoint’s corridor was a large A0 map. Llanfyllin was represented on it but not places like Welshpool, Oswestry – when Darren and Shan went to show people where Llanfyllin was they were very surprised.

 If so were they to buy The Cross Keys?       Yes                                                                                                               

On arriving at the retreat, they needed £50,000 by the following Monday 11th August.  They decided to ask some friends who were Financial Advisers if they knew anyone who had £50,000 who would be interested in investing in the project – but not before they asked God for a sign.

The next day the passage being studied was the Bible passage that The Cross Keys symbol represents – Mathew 16:19. Darren and Shan felt this was sign enough. They approached one of the financial advisors on Sat 9th August. He explained that that week he and his wife were doing an audit of their finances and had £50,000 that they were praying to God about what they should do with it! They were happy to support our venture.

The Cross Keys Llanfyllin CIC Skylark International is a place that has enjoyed the privilege of journeying with innovators and growing throughout the centuries whilst maintaining at its core a passion to welcome everyone in and provide the support needed. The story of The Cross Keys through the centuries speaks of God's incredible attention to detail and love, delight and place for each one of us. As we look into the future this can encourage us not only to be confident He has gone before us but gives us every reason like the Skylark to always sing and celebrate God s love, despite uncertainty, and fly up to the heavens to ask for help here on earth!


The Crosskeys Llanfyllin CIC – rhan o Skylark International - lle i dyfu, cefnogi a dathlu!  Mae'n ymddangos bod y Crosskeys o'r dechrau yn lle sydd wedi cario ymrwymiad i dwf, cefnogaeth a dathlu yn ei DNA. Fel yr Ehedydd, un o'r adar cyntaf i dorri'r wawr, mae'r Crosskeys wedi bod yn arloesol er mwyn dal y cyfle i dyfu a ffynnu yn ei hamgylchedd. Mae'r Crosskeys yn lle o gefnogaeth a lletygarwch ac fel y dywedir bod yr Ehedydd yn cysylltu'r nefoedd a'r ddaear trwy fyw ar y ddaear ond eto'n esgyn i'r nefoedd, felly hefyd y mae symbol y Cross Keys - atgoffa pobl i gael gafael ar gefnogaeth nefol i helpu i wneud y ddaear yn lle gwell. Mae'r Crosskeys hefyd yn lle i ddathlu fel yr Ehedydd sy'n canu ei gân.

Nid oedd yr un ohonom yno pan fanteisiodd rhywun ar y cyfle i fuddsoddi mewn adeiladu t ŷneuadd yn ystod yr 16eg ganrif yn nhref fach ddatblygol Llanfyllin a dewis gwneud hynny ar ffordd gynyddol brysur o'r Bala i'r Amwythig.

Nid oedd yr un ohonom yno pan fanteisiodd rhywun mentrus ar y cyfle i fanteisio ar safle canolog y neuadd yn un o brif drefi marchnad Sir Drefaldwyn yn ôl John Speed yn 1650, a'i newid yn dafarn.

Nid oedd yr un ohonom yno pan yn y 18fed ganrif pan oedd rhywun eisiau gwella'r gofod yn The Crosskeys felly ychwanegodd ffrynt tair talcen newydd ac ychwanegu'r ystafelloedd i fyny'r grisiau i fod yn drigfan.

Roedd rhai ohonom yma pan ychwanegodd Alan Shakeshaft estyniad i gefn The Crosskeys ac ychwanegu toiledau newydd ac adeiladu'r fflatiau newydd yng nghefn The Crosskeys.

Roedd y rhan fwyaf ohonom yma pan gysylltwyd â'r Eglwys Gymunedol yn 2012 i weld a allem achub y dafarn sydd bellach wedi cau a sicrhau ei bod yn parhau i fod yn ganolbwynt cymunedol i'r dref ac mae pob un ohonom wedi gweld ymddangosiad dilynol CIC newydd Crosskeys Llanfyllin, dan reolaeth Darren a Shan Mayor — Hwb Cymunedol, Tŷ Coffi, Tŷ Gweddi, Tŷ Bendithion. Mae'n ymddangos dros y canrifoedd mai 'ehedyddion' sydd wedi bod yn berchen ar The Crosskeys — pobl sy'n rhan o gorws y wawr ac yn arloeswyr naturiol ac felly yn sicrhau bod y Crosskeys yma heddiw!

O'r cychwyn cyntaf, wrth wraidd y Crosskeys oedd y rhodd o letygarwch a chefnogaeth a symbolwyd gan dân glo yr oedd croeso i bawb weithio, gorffwys a chwarae o’i amgylch. T ŷ neuadd yn draddodiadol fyddai'r man lle'r oedd Arglwydd y faenor yn byw gyda'i weision - cyfoethog a thlawd yn cymysgu gyda'i gilydd o amgylch y tân am gynhesrwydd a bwyd. Mae'r tân yn dal i dywynnu yn y Crosskeys heddiw ac mae'n symbol parhaus o gefnogaeth a chyfeillgarwch sydd wedi ymestyn yn ôl ar hyd y canrifoedd. Roedd Alan Shakeshaft ei hun yn ymgorfforiad o hyn ac roedd bob amser yn hapus i rannu ei arian gyda phobl yr oedd yn teimlo bod angen anogaeth arnynt neu oedd yn gofyn am gymorth. Mae Duw hefyd wedi cael Ei ran yn stori'r Crosskeys ac wedi dangos Ei fod hefyd eisiau bod yn rhan o'r rhwydwaith cefnogi   yng nghymuned Llanfyllin. Mae bob amser wedi bod o gwmpas ac efallai mai Ef a ysbrydolodd y person i adeiladu'r t neuadd lle gwnaeth; Ef a wnaeth ysgogi’r person a ddewisodd The ŷ Crosskeys fel enw eu tafarn newydd oherwydd Ei fod yn gallu gweld sut roedd yn mynd I ymyrryd yn wyrthiol yn 2014 i sicrhau bod y Crosskeys yn dal i ddarparu cefnogaeth yn Llanfyllin; Ef a rywsut a sicrhaodd fod Alan yn adeiladu'r fflatiau gan wybod faint fyddai angen cartrefi ar bobl yn yr hinsawdd bresennol! Efallai mai Ef wnaeth ddeffro landlord y Cain Valley Hotel yn sydyn yng nghanol y nos fel y byddai'n sylwi ar y fflamau yn dod o'r Crosskeys a mynd i nôl cymorth! Serch hynny, mae Ef bob amser yn ein gwahodd i fod fel yr Ehedydd ac estyn I fyny i'r nefoedd mewn gweddi fel y gellir tywallt Ei help a'i fendithion ar y ddaear fwyfwy.

Mae ehedyddion yn cael eu hystyried yn un o adar canu gorau’r byd ac mae partïon dathlu, canu a dawnsio wedi bod yn rhan o ddiwylliant y Crosskeys erioed. Ar un adeg, fel y gwyddom I gyd, roedd Alan yn bwriadu adeiladu clwb nos y tu ôl i’r Crosskeys! Nawr mae'r hwb Cymunedol yn mwynhau digon o gyfle i ddathlu gyda nosweithiau Jazz, nosweithiau Meic Agored a bod yn lleoliad y gellid ei logi a chynnal partïon preifat yno. Teimla Cyfarwyddwyr y Crosskeys a T ŷ Gweddi fod ganddynt hefyd reswm arbennig i ganu caneuon o addoliad i Dduw gan fod y ffordd wyrthiol a ddarparodd Duw i Darren a Shan brynu’r Crosskeys yn datgelu Ei rym, Ei gariad, Ei ffyddlondeb er gwaethaf y treialon yr awn drwyddynt a sylw anhygoel i fanylion ar bob lefel.

Ar 3 – 10 Awst 2014 roedd Darren a Shan ar groesffordd yn eu bywydau a chawsant gyfle I brynu’r Crosskeys. Cyn penderfynu bwrw ymlaen aethant ar encil Cristnogol i ofyn i Dduw ddangos iddynt beth i'w wneud. Roedd yn rhaid iddynt roi gwybod i'r perchnogion erbyn Awst 11 os oeddent ei eisiau.

Cwestiynau yr oedd yn rhaid iddynt eu gofyn i Dduw A oeddent i gydweithio fel gweinidogion? Oeddent 

Roedd yr encil yn yr ysgol breswyl a 25 mlynedd ynghynt, teimlodd rhywun eu bod wedi eu hysgogi gan Dduw i weddïo y byddent yn priodi ac yn gwasanaethu Duw gyda'i gilydd pan welsant hwy'n cydweithio. Dros y blynyddoedd daeth yn Ganolfan Gristnogol.

A oedden nhw i barhau i wasanaethu Duw yn Llanfyllin? Oeddent

Roedd map A0 mawr yn hongian yn y coridor. Cynrychiolwyd Llanfyllin arno ond nid lleoedd fel Y Trallwng a Chroesoswallt. 

Os felly a oedden nhw i brynu’r Crosskeys? Oeddent

Ar ôl cyrraedd yr encil, roedd angen £50,000 arnynt erbyn dydd Llun 11 Awst. Penderfynon nhw ofyn i rai ffrindiau oedd yn Gynghorwyr Ariannol a oedden nhw’n adnabod unrhyw un â £50,000 a fyddai â diddordeb mewn buddsoddi yn y prosiect – ond nid cyn iddyn nhw ofyn i Dduw am arwydd. Y darn a oedd yn cael ei astudio’r diwrnod wedyn oedd y darn Beiblaidd y mae symbol y Crosskeys yn ei gynrychioli – Mathew 16:19. Teimlodd Darren a Shan fod hyn yn ddigon o arwydd. Aethant at un o'r cynghorwyr ariannol ar ddydd Sadwrn 9 Awst. Eglurodd ei fod ef a'i wraig yr wythnos honno yn gwneud archwiliad o'u cyllid a bod ganddynt 50,000 ac yn gweddïo ar Dduw am yr hyn y dylent ei wneud ag ef! Roeddent yn hapus i gefnogi ein menter.

Mae CBC y Crosskeys Llanfyllin Skylark International yn lle sydd wedi mwynhau'r fraint o deithio gydag arloeswyr a thyfu ar hyd y canrifoedd wrth gynnal angerdd i groesawu pawb wrth ei wraidd a darparu'r cymorth sydd ei angen. Mae stori’r Crosskeys ar hyd y canrifoedd yn sôn am sylw anhygoel Duw i fanylion a chariad, hyfrydwch a lle i bob un ohonom. Wrth i ni edrych i’r dyfodol gall hyn ein hannog nid yn unig i fod yn hyderus Ei fod wedi mynd o’n blaenau ond mae’n rhoi pob rheswm fel yr Ehedydd i ni bob amser ganu a dathlu cariad Duw, er gwaethaf ansicrwydd, a hedfan i fyny i’r nefoedd i ofyn am help yma ar y ddaear!