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The Directors

Currently we have 6 Directors : Company Directors - Linsey Potter, Kevin Potter, Phil Nurcombe and Joy Nurcombe, (See Photo above) and Managing Directors - Darren Mayor and Shan Mayor

Managing Directors - Responsible for the day to day running and leading of all aspects of the Crosskeys ensuring that the CIC objectives are being met.

Darren Mayor was called to serve God in a full-time capacity from the age of 10. His career has included working for a church in Cardiff for four years, being the IMPACT Christian Schools Worker in Montgomeryshire for 24 years, church leadership - Llanfyllin Community Church AOG minister 2003 – 2016 as well as helping establish a Scottish retirement home, farm labouring, local firefighting and to being an elected member of Powys County Council, where he served on the cabinet carrying the portfolio of Adult and Children Social Services and Housing. This has given Darren Mayor a wealth of experience and understanding of meeting the spiritual and social needs of people from many diverse backgrounds and situations, both on a local and national level. 

Shan Mayor: A trained teacher, natural pioneer, entrepreneur and problem solver, Shan has been involved in funding and getting involved in a variety of community initiatives; founding and leading Llanfyllin Community Church for over 13 years and established a childcare business, Closeknit Teulu Agos, that employed 4 people for 5 years , providing work for local women, and has looked after the children of 15 local families to date. Shan is also an experienced children and family’s worker, enabling people to access training to achieve their personal aspirations.  With 4 children of her own, she has cared and supported many families with different needs.  A trained primary teacher Shan has worked in all aspects of education – primary, secondary school RE teacher, independent faith schools and schools set up to support young people with social emotional and behavioural challenges. She has worked as an outreach worker for the North Montgomeryshire Pupil Referral Unit and as a result has had close contact with many local families. Enjoying every aspect of life and believing that one of the most important aspects of community is celebrating the good things, Shan is part of many communities – book clubs, walking groups, singing groups and sewing groups.


Managing Directors - Supporting Darren and Shan and making sure that the CIC's objectives are being met.

Joy Nurcombe: A passion for empowering others to reach their full God-given potential, an aptitude for teaching, extensive training in communication skills, and an ability to lead equipped Joy to pioneer a Christian school in Wiltshire and another school in Kenya in the early years of her career in education. A clear understanding of the Bible and a deep personal faith is the foundation for an ongoing commitment to help others find God for themselves.   Joy has been involved in several church start-ups, including one in the Middle East, where she and her husband lived for over ten years and they currently continue to lead church groups within the local community in Bristol.  During times of great challenge, Joy brings a trust in God, an acceptance of His sovereignty and His promise to equip us for any circumstance.  A positive outlook, quiet determination in the face of adversity, a commitment to persevere, an ability to talk through problems to find solutions, and experience in conflict resolution all contribute to equip Joy to be a dependable leader even in very difficult times.  

Phil Nurcombe:

Phil, a dedicated professional, embarked on his career in the Defence industry, which has taken him on a global journey. Through hard work and dedication, he has risen to a senior management position. As an experienced project manager, he brings valuable skills to the team, applying systematic and strategic thinking to achieve desired outcomes. Phil's deep faith, quiet trust, and wisdom are the guiding forces in both his professional and personal life. These qualities have not only shaped his career but have also made him a dependable leader in times of challenge and uncertainty.

Kevin and Linsey Potter: Ordained pastors with Skylark International, Kevin and Linsey have been involved in a myriad of integrated faith-based church and development work. In the early part of 2016, after working for 26 years in India, UK, Mexico and the USA, their journey has taken them from the city of Angels on the West Coast of America (where Kevin was the Faith Coordinator and then Interim Director for Oasis USA, and Linsey undertook two masters’ courses at Fuller Theological Seminary), to Peppard Common. Up to March 2018, Kevin & Linsey facilitated Springwater Church to develop and strengthen its structure and community life. Since the March of 2018 the church invited them to become Senior Ministers/Co-Pastors at Springwater Church. They are also involved in a wide range of other initiatives and organisations both within and outside the UK. Their work Springwater, involves mentoring others, board development and kingdom issues connected with development and justice.